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Past events

SCGA, is a working group within the Sweden-China Trade Council, SCTC. The objective of SCGA is to lay the foundation for further business development with China within the environmental technology, energy and infrastructure sector.
15 Feb

China Economic Outlook 2023

10:00 am - 11:00 am
In mid-December, signs of a re-opening of China after almost three years of zero Covid tolerance, resulted in revised forecasts by most analysts for China's [...]
09 Feb

Digital Marknadsföring i Kina – Hur når du rätt målgrupp? Göteborg

9:00 am - 11:00 am
Det digitala landskapet i Kina ser annorlunda ut för B2B än på andra marknader och pandemin har gjort att kunskapen om rätt marknadsföring för kommunikation [...]
26 Jan

Digital Marknadsföring i Kina – Hur når du rätt målgrupp? Stockholm

9:00 am - 11:00 am
  NBH kommer ge en översikt av det digitala landskapet i Kina och hur man kan arbeta med digitala kanaler för att skapa affärsmöjligheter. Vi [...]
18 Jan

Post-Covid: Manufacturers managing the outbreaks and investing in the recovery

10:00 am - 11:00 am
The past months have been tremendous in terms of uncertainty and policy shifts on Covid, as China first increased restrictions and since December has shifted [...]
23 Nov

ESG and Control of Supply Chains in Practice

10:00 am - 11:00 am
Control of supply chains in China has always been a concern due to the uneven development and varying standards in the Chinese manufacturing industry. With [...]
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