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Past events

SCGA, is a working group within the Sweden-China Trade Council, SCTC. The objective of SCGA is to lay the foundation for further business development with China within the environmental technology, energy and infrastructure sector.
15 Dec

Lunch discussion on the current business climate in China/Stockholm

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
As China is strengthening its domestic industry while still inviting investments in a number of strategic areas, and as world trade is impacted by geopolitical [...]
14 Dec

Opportunities and Challenges for Swedish and European SMEs in China

9:00 am - 10:30 am
  Swedish and European SMEs looking to enter or expand in the Chinese market face multiple challenges such as toughening competition from local companies, market [...]
06 Dec

Unveiling the EUCCC position paper and insights from EUCCC Exco trip to Brussels

8:00 am - 9:00 am
Sweden-China Trade Council is happy to invite our members to a hybrid seminar on the topic of "Unveiling the EUCCC Position Paper and Insights from [...]
21 Nov

Kina i förändring - hur ska svenska bolag förhålla sig?/Stockholm

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Under mötet kommer Per ge sin syn på några av de viktigaste frågeställningarna som påverkar utländska bolags möjligheter i Kina. Hur skall vi förhålla oss [...]
15 Nov

Navigating China's Data Compliance Landscape/Gothenburg

11:45 am - 1:30 pm
  Are you doing business in or with China? Do you receive personal data or work-related data from your subsidiaries or business partners from China? [...]
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