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Past events

SCGA, is a working group within the Sweden-China Trade Council, SCTC. The objective of SCGA is to lay the foundation for further business development with China within the environmental technology, energy and infrastructure sector.
30 May

Chinese control over African and global mining

11:45 am - 1:30 pm
How big is the importance and influence of Chinese mining companies on the world supply of metals? A recent report shows that Chinese companies are [...]
28 May

What is the outlook for Swedish companies in China and Hong Kong?

8:30 am - 10:00 am
Sweden-China Trade Council is happy to invite you to the presentation of this year's Business Climate Survey mapping the current and future business environment in [...]
27 May

Security at Large - Be Safe or Sorry/Webinar

10:00 am - 11:15 am
What are the main risk factors faced by global enterprises in Hong Kong, or entering the Hong Kong, market? How can you safeguard your company? [...]
22 May

Svensk handelspolitik i en Asienkontext - intryck och reflektioner

11:15 am - 1:15 pm
I samband med Sweden-China Trade Councils föreningsstämma den 22 maj 2024 har vi nöjet att bjuda in till ett lunchföredrag med Per-Arne Hjelmborn, utrikesråd för [...]
22 May

SCTC föreningsstämma 2024

10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Sweden-China Trade Councils föreningsstämma 2024 äger rum onsdagen den 22 maj enligt nedan. Efter stämmoförhandlingarna har vi bjudit in Per-Arne Hjelmborn, utrikesråd för handelsfrågor på [...]
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