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SCGA, is a working group within the Sweden-China Trade Council, SCTC. The objective of SCGA is to lay the foundation for further business development with China within the environmental technology, energy and infrastructure sector.
05 Sep

Efter stormen - Reshoring och diversifiering i tillverkningsleden

10:00 am - 11:00 am
Vi har bjudit in konsultbolaget och medlemmen i SCTC, ARC Consulting för att dela resultatet av årets Sourcing Survey och praktiska erfarenheter från Asien. I [...]
20 Jun

Special Update - China Economic Outlook 2023

11:45 am - 1:30 pm
  After the re-opening of China in mid-December 2022 with almost three years of zero Covid tolerance, the mood for a recovery in the economy [...]
15 Jun

China automotive – moving the world with new opportunities and competition

10:00 am - 11:00 am
In 2022, Chinese auto companies exported more than 3 million units, up 54.4% year-on-year, overtaking Germany for the first time and becoming the world's second [...]
13 Jun

What is the outlook for Swedish companies in China?

10:00 am - 11:00 am
Sweden-China Trade Council is happy to invite you to the presentation of this year's Business Climate Survey mapping the current and future business environment in [...]
30 May

Doing Business in Hong Kong

9:00 am - 10:00 am
In mid-March, Hong Kong's last cross-border travel restrictions were lifted, as travel between Mainland China and the Special Administrative Region resumed to pre-pandemic standards. In the [...]
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