China’s international infrastructure ambitions, what’s in it for Swedish companies?

Mr Anders Borg, former Minister of Finance and today member of the International Advisory Panel to support the President and Senior Management of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB, Ms Kristina Sandklef, Sandklef Asia Insights, Mr Jerker Hellström, FOI and Mr Gustaf Sundell, Scania.


Lunch meeting in conjunction with Sweden-China Trade Council’s Annual General Meeting.

Mr Anders Borg, former Minister of Finance and today member of the International Advisory Panel to support the President and Senior Management of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB together with Ms Kristina Sandklef, Sandklef Asia Insights, Mr Jerker Hellström, FOI and Mr Gustaf Sundell, Scania will discuss the challenges and opportunities within China’s international infrastructure ambitions. 

  • What is the purpose of the ”One Belt One Road”?
  • What are the possibilities for Swedish companies?

The meeting is moderated by Mr Frédéric Cho, Vice Chairman, Sweden-China Trade Council.

Where? The Board Room/Styrelserummet, Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm
When? Monday, May 29, 2017, 11:30 – 13:30, lunch will be served. Registration from 11:15.
Cost: SCTC members SEK300 plus VAT. Non-members will be invoiced SEK500 plus VAT.

Please register not later than May 23. Please note that a separate registration is required for members attending the Annual General Meeting at 10:15 on May 29. For more information and registration for the Annual General Meeting, click here.

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