Contact us

Sweden-China Trade Council
Box 55680
102 15 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 22 68 88
Visit: Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm

Lisette Lindahl

Lisette Lindahl, born in 1954, has spent over 40 years as a diplomat in the Swedish Foreign service. During that time her postings have taken her from Sofia via Madrid, New York, Ottawa, Copenhagen, Washington DC to Beijing and Shanghai.

In Beijing, Lisette was head of the economic section with responsibilities for trade and economics ranging from direct promotion of Swedish companies, discussions with Chinese authorities regarding trade rules and regulations, arranging for incoming delegations in this field and reporting to the Ministry in Stockholm on economic issues and trade policies.

2016 Lisette was appointed Swedish Consul General to Shanghai. The provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui and Zhejiang was included in her area of responsibilities. She primarily worked with promoting Swedish businesses and Swedish culture to China. Lisette was awarded Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China’s Honorary Award in 2019 for being a “facilitator for Swedish enterprises in China”

Lisette is retired and constantly trying to continue being a facilitator when it comes to cooperation with China.

Lisette Lindahl became Member of the Board of Directors in 2024 after having served as Substitute Member of the Board of Directors of SCTC since 2023.
