Ulf Pehrsson, Chairman, born in 1956, became Member and elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of SCTC in 2022.

Ulf Pehrsson retired from Ericsson, the global leader in mobile telecommunications in 2022. Ulf held global responsibility for telecoms and trade policy, as well as for Ericsson’s engagement with governments and regulators, since joining the company in 2001. In his Ericsson role he has also focused on Ericsson’s relations with the Chinese Government at central and provincial level.

Ulf previously worked as a diplomat at the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the last five years as Deputy-Director General responsible for Export and Investment Promotion and the EU Internal Market.

Ulf was also 2016-2023 Chairman of the Swedish Foreign Trade Association.

Today Ulf has his own consulting company and is also acting as Senior Advisor to Hallvarsson & Halvarsson AB as well as to ICC Sweden.

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