Mats Harborn, born in 1961, is President, Scania China Group and a China veteran with 30 years’ experience of working and living in China. He has been Chief representative for Scania and Handelsbanken, Trade Secretary at Business Sweden (former Exportrådet), General Manager for Scania China Sales Co Ltd, Executive Director for Scania Strategic Office and since 2020 he represents Scania China Group as its President. An important part of Mats work is to actively influence the business environment.

From 2017 to May of 2019, Mats was elected President of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. He has served on the Chamber’s Executive Committee since 2013, as Vice President and as States’ Representative. He is the initiator of the China Commercial Vehicles Board of ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association) and served as its chairman for seven years. In 2005, he was elected Chairman of Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China, a position he held for eight years.

Mats is an active speaker for Swedish and foreign audiences on matters relating to China as well as in various Chinese industry fora. Mats speaks and reads Chinese.

Mats Harborn became Member of the Board of Directors of SCTC in 2023.

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