Anna Hessle, born in 1971, is Senior Chief Architect and International Director at Sweco Architects AB, Sweden. Anna has a M.Sc. in Architecture and Urban Planning from Lund University (1998) and has also studied architecture at Edinburgh College of Art.

Anna Hessle has practised as an architect for 18 years and has an experience all project stages and scales, from regional planning, city and district masterplans, down to the design of specific buildings, such as neighbourhood facilities, commercial centres and housing. She has been involved in a large number of urban planning projects internationally, but in particular China, with special focus on sustainable city development.

Travelling frequently to China, Anna is now responsible for the China Market for Swecos architects and planners and has the ambition to continue to develop sustainable city projects and spread ecological awareness within Chinese urban development. As a project director and trained process leader for the Symbiocity Approach, her interest lies in facilitating collaboration in multidisciplinary teams as a means to achieve synergies and true eco city development and she especially finds it rewarding with workshops that involve the clients, local experts and decision makers.

Among recent projects in which she has had the role of project leader and chief planner in the ongoing North Jinan Strategic Planning and Tongzhou urban planning competition. Important Chinese projects through the years also include Tangshan Bay Eco-city, the Dongli Lake Project in Tianjin and Guan Zhu Town House Project, Beijing.

Anna Hessle became Member of the Board of Directors of SCTC in 2017.

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